Technical for shrimp farming

Diagnose the health status of shrimp through their body color
Diagnose the health status of shrimp through their body color


In fact, we can partly judge the health status of shrimp through their body color.

EHP superinfection with two celled parasite (Greragine) causes white feces syndrome, liver atrophy, and intestinal emptying in shrimp and treatment regimen
EHP superinfection with two celled parasite (Greragine) causes white feces syndrome, liver atrophy, and intestinal emptying in shrimp and treatment regimen


Currently, the EHP epidemic in shrimp is not only serious in terms of infection level but also more dangerous in the possibility of superinfection with many other pathogens, typically superinfection with 2-celled parasite (Greragine) causing white feces syndrome. White liver, atrophied liver, and empty intestines are extremely dangerous for farmed shrimp.

Renovating shrimp ponds to avoid infection with EHP micro-spore infection
Renovating shrimp ponds to avoid infection with EHP micro-spore infection


In shrimp farming, EHP microorganisms are not only a seasonal occurrence such as red-body diseases - white spots or acute hepatopancreatic necrosis. This disease has grown very strongly on a wide range, with the coverage and the ability to infect quickly.
